When it comes to the hunting world there is almost too much gear that can be recommended. With all the new gear that comes out each year, it really just depends on what each hunter prefers. What seasons and types of hunts are you going on? What environment are you hunting in? If there was a fundamental gear that you should get for all seasons what would that be? Well, we’ve found a great starting point to get you the basics for your first hunt!
For all our rifle shoots it’s always recommended that you get a solid durable rifle sling. This may seem like common knowledge but we’ve all known that one guy that just carries his gun through the hunt by hand. Slings are great for freeing up your hands to be used for spotting games, cleaning the area you’re getting ready to camp at, and of course attending to the young sons or daughters that may need help. The sling we recommend is the Alpine Dual rifle Sling. The Dual Sling rifle sling is secure, and comfortable and can quickly transform from a single shoulder to a dual shoulder rifle sling in seconds. It provides superior comfort by distributing weight upon both shoulders for hands-free stability and includes 2 Metal Q.R. or Q.D. swivels are compatible with rifles or shotguns.

Another great piece of gear for every beginner hunter has to do with your optic. Have you ever found it hard to focus and get some clarity when looking through your optics? You’re not the only one! Even expert hunters still look for gear that can help with making clearer optics that block out light and give you a good image of what you’re viewing. For this piece of gear, we recommend the Bino Bandit Glare Blockers. The Bino Bandit glare blocker from Alpine Innovations will improve visual acuity and reduce eye strain when using binoculars. Designed to completely block glare and ambient light by providing better clarity while glassing. The Bino Bandit fits most binoculars and is made to be comfortable for the hunter. They will flex fit around the eye-cups to seal out the wind and ambient light. This is such a simple piece of gear and yet it’s one that we get the most compliments on. Having this for the spotting game makes all the difference.

For our next piece of gear, we wanted to ask you what you normally use for carrying ammo. Do you store it in your pockets? Packed away in your gear bag? Or do you just keep the gun loaded on safety while hiking, which we don’t recommend? Whichever way you carry your gear, we’ve found a better solution. The Ammo Slicker is a piece of gear that straps onto the butt stock of your gun and stores up to 7 or 10 rounds depending on your small or large size calibers. Now when you need ammo, instead of having to get unsettled, you just pull the patch bag on your ammo slicker, grab the ammo needed, and close the pouch. It’ll firmly hold and secure your ammo so it’s not loosely bouncing around in your pocket or gear bag. The Alpine Ammo Slicker is for those hunters and shooters who like to have their ammo close! It allows you to carry your ammunition with you for a quick reload or that follow-up shot. You never know when you might need it, so it is always better to be safe than sorry!

The last piece of heart we recommend to all hunters is the XD2 Bino Harness. When it comes to binoculars, you want them to be quick to access and easy to carry. Usually, when you purchase a pair of binoculars they already come with a protective case. Unfortunately, that case is usually for storage and isn’t made to be convenient for outside activity. The Bino Harness is an ultra-lightweight neoprene carrying harness that protects your optics while hunting and gives you amazing access with an easy stretch pouch that slips on and off the binoculars. It also comes with three interior pockets for light storage and several attachment points for different carrying styles.